Friday, April 23, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I was wrongfully confined in my own house with some other girls. The men watched over us while the leader remained in one of the rooms. Beckoning his men to bring in a girl into the room one at a time.

Who are they? How did they get in here in the first place?

I didnt know what he was plotting but the girls that came out from the room were a sorry state, in some form of undress. None of them dared to cry but they looked dazed and some frightened.


It was gonna be my turn after most had went into the room. I tried to buy time but the leader saw through my antics and quietly told one of the men to 'teach me a lesson'.

I was so so afraid. I didn't want my body to be dirtied by him. How was i to face the public after this painful, humilating ordeal?

Woke up suddenly and realised that it was just a nightmare.

Amore Women's Day Out (6 Mar 2010)

It was a good work out with the girls today! Love the pink tank top for Amore Women's Day Out.

Daphne said the PG was taking some shots when he saw me and focused his camera on me *giggles*

Here are some pictures after the work-out.. are we more FIT? hee

Saturday, April 17, 2010