Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In finding your dream home

Once, a painful lesson taught me that i could be better off being somewhere else doing anything other than being in the civil service-something more appropriate for a lady like me.

Sincere advice don't always work-we all usually get the wake-up call from bad experiences.

I left the comforts of the civil service (forsaking 35 days leave, 12 days study leave, medical and dental allowances) and took on a job in the media industry, following my experiences in the public relations department.

The basic pay was high and commission was pretty decent, but the people u work with and see in the media industry are rather complicated. Lotsa entertainment, drinking and one can feel blood pressure rise as high as the mountains each time the topic was on how to super exceed sales targets.

Alternatively, i love real estate. Everyone was urging me to go into HDB as the 'market is not gd'. I only had the passion to do private property and glad i went with my gut feeling.

I find myself falling in love with the rustic feeling of old, cosy condos and am in awe pleasantly and mostly impressed with the luxurious beauty of the new condos.I wish to buy such pretty homes for myself one day.

The job:
Nevermind the endless explaination to concerned home buyers that "there are not a lot of Indians staying in City Square Residences and hanging around outside the condo". Indians/Banglas are also humans and they can be pretty helpful! Having witness couple of them Banglas giving up their seats on the train..

Nevermind the amusing agents that ask me if the Beacon has TOP (not only TOP, also 2nd owners, some of them), another joker told me he was an agent and claimed to be buying for his home-stay(refused to reveal company name-duh..).

Nevermind the unscrupulous external agents who try to undercut u, stalk ur buyers during viewing or eating ur fair share of the pie nor the buyers who wanna ask me out for meals or coffee and not work..

I entered the real estate industry because i wanted to do more for myself. Hope that i could provide more for the family and in setting up my own family in the near future-i wanna give my children anything i didn't manage to get in the past. The recent deals up my battery level and exceed my own expections with my income doubling that of the last job.

The real estate is really a lucrative career. I love meeting and talking to people and helping them find solutions. But, with the stress from external sources, it seemed to have taken a toll on me.

I wish that i could make people see that time, effort and expenses need to be put into this job, with a little of luck but not many see it that way. Us property agents' revenue are not measured by the no. of viewings should you not already know.

I find myself possibly giving up this trade which i like for the sake and pleasure of others dear to me.

Maybe i should get a regular 9-5 job, so that i will not be inferior in terms of how much CPF i have in my account if you deem so. Maybe it's just not meant to be..

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