Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm a Pirate today!

Had been down with a swollen eye for the past month. There was once it was so swollen with two stys - it totally blocked my left eye's vision! Driving was a hazard and going out - worst still. I had to wear sunglasses even in sheltered places and once at a condo during work. People walked past and stared. As I was professionally decked in office wear at Reflections at Keppel Bay. One agent thought I was the owner of a unit there and asked the agent if I was her client. Am here again at the Eye Clinic - Jurong West. I hated my first time there as the doctor was rude and kept trying to jump to conclusions in completing my sentences. The nurses were grouchy and forgot to return my IC and even spelled and called my name wrongly. My second time here in this hateful clinic as I have decided that the swell has to go. I looked horrid at my best friend's wedding! The staff were rather nice today and the doctor spoke patiently. Maybe cos he was a sadist and was very eager to perform the surgery haha. I asked if there was anything to reduce the pain and he said it was to remove the sty. Then i told him that I was talking about reducing the pain from the cutting of the sty. Told me that he had to give me an injection. Which he eventually gave me TWO as I still felt some pain when the clippers were on my upper and lower lid to show the sty clearly. FREAKING painful - During the 1st injection, my immediate reaction was to hold the doctor's hand when he sank the needle in. He then told the nurse to hold my hand! After the 1st injection, the second one didn't feel a thing. Eventually, he squeezed out the pus and I saw him clearing lotsa blood from my eye. I had to squeeze the cotton pad to my eye to prevent it from turning blue-black. The nurse then told me to remove the pad and I saw more blood. She then cleaned the blood away and applied eye gel and drops. Total bill: $224.31 (Incision: $120) My eye was bandaged for the next 3 hours. Oh yes, I bought some Ding Tea (Honey Green Tea)before entering the eye clinic for a morale booster. Anyway, it sucks cos the cup was opaque and they put too little pearls! Hard to tell unless u burst a big hole at the top to see haha..

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