Sunday, August 18, 2013

The much dreaded day has finally here. Though it aint as devasting as the big 3-0, it was still like a bomb landing on an already wasted piece of barren land. I am 32, yes. Sad but true. Why are birthdays depressing? I conpiled a list of factors. . 1. Looks fade. I for one do not second that as I think I look better with age haha! I used to have weird makeup techniques which included having too thin eyebrows.. blond hair.. drawing my eyes halfway.. 2. Expectations are not met. As a perfectionist, I am gd in organising birthday bashes and other special occasions but tend to get disappointed should my birthday be something effortless 3. Less pressies. I still want my Chanel bag sobs 4. Health deteriote.. more prone to headaches with a wamer climate 5. Memory lapses. I never had a decent memory and now I xan barely remember what I ate yst 6. More responsibilities When we were young, we get away with almost anything. Nowhmy every little word or behaviour may affect others and ive to try to be more sensitive though the other party could be over sensitive. On a recent gathering, I spoke a lil more to a friend and my other friend screamed and banged the table twice. My heart nearly popped. 7. Guts I used to only fear roaches and now im fearing people, things and the unknown. 8. Target of people When I as a child, I dont remember relatives giving a hoot. Now I have people asking me when im gonna marry. And when I marry, when im gonna have a kid. And when I have a kid, when im gonna have another kid. Worse, these questions usually come from singles and people with more than 1 kid and they are very proud about it. Stop asking for the millionth time! To the singles, please worry about yourselves first. AND to the married with many children, I know you are very keen to spread the importance of having more than one child. And that "always good to have one boy and one girl mindset"

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