Friday, October 8, 2010

Madam Kwa Geok Choo 1921 - 2010

Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, wife of MM Lee Kwan Yew was best known for her stoic support for her husband since his political struggle back in the olden days and also for providing firm family support as a wife, mother and grandmother.

She is a role model to all women in Singapore.

I picked up the newspapers in the morning and read about MM Lee's eulogy and snippets of him talking about his late wife. My eyes became watery with tears, being moved by the words of MM Lee as he spoke fondly of his wife:

Her last wish she shared with me was to enjoin our children to have our ashes placed together, as we were in life.

Every night she would wait for me to sit by her to tell her of my day's activities and to read her favourite poems. Then she would sleep.

I have precious memories of our 63 years together. Without her, I would be a different man, with a different life.

I should find solace at her 89 years of her life well lived. But at this moment of the final parting, my heart is heavy with sadness.

MM Lee said his wife's illness was one of the hardest things for him to face.

'What to do? What else can I do? I can't break down. Life has got to go on. I try to busy myself, but from time to time in idle moments, my mind goes back to the happy days we were up and about together.'

'She understands when I talk to her, which I do every night,' he added. 'She keeps awake for me; I tell her about my day's work, read her favourite poems.'

'I told her, 'I would try and keep you company for as long as I can.' That's life. She understood.'

"We've got to go some time. I'm not sure who's going first, whether she or me. So I told her, I've been looking at the marriage vows of the Christians:
'To love, to hold and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, till death do us part.' "

I told her I would try and keep her company for as long as I could. She understood.

Simple words from a great man but heartfelt by the masses. The love from MM Lee for his wife is so great that we could not only see it, but feel it right there in our hearts. Shame on people who try to perceive it in their shallow minds and not not have the guts to step forward into the light. They forgot that they wouldn't be here in the first place without MM Lee who brought about the success of Singapore.

In the past, people enter a marriage for love, joy and carried the marriage for life. Old fashioned love- people fall in love, stay in love.

How did marriage become so fragile that it could break at the slightest hint of trouble? People play with fire, thinking that they could keep the flame burning bright so long nobody discovers. In the end, the children are paying the price for the hastiness of adults who just give up and walk away from the biggest commitments they have ever made.

If only we relook at roles of the husband and wife and remember the love that brought us together..

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