Friday, May 31, 2013

Marriage is the graveyard of love?

People say marriage is the graveyard of Love. This is because after we get married, the love, passion and desire for each other will slowly dissipate into thin air. Perhaps it could trigger from living together and learning about each other's way of life. Leaving things lying around, not taking out the laundry, hogging the television, not flushing the toilet or not putting the toilet seat down. The last one gets to me the most, haha! I remember reading a message that my friend posted in FB. That only bastards leave the toilet seats down while urinating so as to save the trouble of flipping it up and down. That shocked me a little. I do not think of men in generally as bastards or anywhere close even if they were to do such a thing. But it does annoy me knowing that you are co-existing with someone female and peeing on the toilet seat. A man should have some form of chivalry by putting the seat down. I don't expect the man to open the car door on my side if i want to get out of his car - I am not so demanding la! Though once, a guy whom i dated did that. It made me smile. But i'm not all flattered and flying to the sky and back ok? Men who pays for dates do get my votes. This i reiterate to my single gfs all the time haha. But take note, pls do not expect them to always bring you to fanciful restaurants. Be considerate! Marriage is the graveyard of love. I do not subscribe to that. In fact, i think having a baby is the graveyard of love/marriage. Don't get me wrong. I think babies are the biggest blessing from God. Having a baby is a milestone for me - I am someone who usually cant be bothered to play with other people's children. I mean, i do not flutter to newborns saying: "oh! So cute!" unless they are really blessed with good looks nor do i know the baby lingo or at least do the actions that people do. Touching the chins of newborns and go "tsk tsk tsk". It just change my perception of marriage. Nowadays, i'm just contented to have a peaceful marriage and maintain my blood pressure level. The baby is a gift, but sometimes i can't help but wonder how it had destroyed my marriage. But well, we all learn. Destroy is a strong word, perhaps jeopardise? Lol. Maybe it's meant for us to learn to cope and grow together. Therefore, i urge couples to date for a bit before deciding if you are gonna get married. Perhaps by the 5th year of the relationship, you should get married and bring the relationship to a higher level. If not things will prolly get mundane. But if you are thinking of having a baby, then perhaps you should enjoy at least a year or two of marraige before having one. Unless you, as a woman are pressed for time - getting old very quickly and childbirth would prove dangerous by then. If not, pls enjoy the marriage, at least for now!

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