Thursday, July 9, 2009

Questions from a guy

" Val, I want to ask you a thing. If you can answer then I appreciate it, but if not, I understand. Because I want to learn from you and the girls around me about boy girl relationship can I educate men to be better at their relationship."

I can trust you and if you can put the trust on me I'll swear/promise I will not tell this to anyone else. Whatever we talk about here, stays here. Can?

Me: i figure u want to understand women more. I shall provide u a general opinion from a woman's viewpt and not necessarily in my case cos i like my privacy when comes to rship matters.

Val's note: A rather interesting questionaire. So, tot i should share with u guys..but will keep my friend anonymous =)

1. When you fell in love with someone, how does it make you feel inside you?
Happy, Contented, Excited

Why did you fell in love with him? Character/listener/Understanding?
It's a 'feeling' u get when ur out with him. Most people would say it's chemistry and whether they 'click'. Common interests are a gd start.

Women like men who can take care of things, give them a sense of security

2. Which character of him do you think you love / not love?
Love: *secret*
Not love: The not-so-gentlemanly who believe in "equality"

3. How do you feel when you broke up with him? Or love him for the very 1st time?Break up with any men?
Depends on the reason for the break. Most feelings are sad, insecurity, hopeful (if still liking him/her)

4. Why did you break up with (the best boyfriend you've ever had)?
Theres no best bf. One shld never compare amongst the bfs. And most breakups r due to incompatibility, low tolerance, lack of commitment. Or maybe, those rships do not begin on solid grounds ("rushed" rships; didn't get to know each other better b4 getting together)

What part of his character that makes you wanna break up with him?
Character differences

5. Do you still think of any of the break up?
NO if alr in rship, will not b fair to current partner

6. Do you blame him for the break up? What can he do better to still keep you?
Its hard to point the finger. Best to just learn from it and move on.
Still keep u? Depends on reason of breakup. If third party, he had better get his act together.

7. As a single lady, how many times on the average are you being approached by guys per week? Depends on where u go. If u go to clubs, its prolly all the time? Cos many people go there to hook up, not necessarily for something serious. So i avoid such places.

I dun believe in making frds in a club, prolly 1% of finding a gd mate there. And i hate clubbing. Facebook? at least 1/2 request from a guy, alternate days.

8. Can you feel that a certain guy is eyeing on you and does not have the guts to approach you?
I would not know what goes on in his mind. Men can just LOOK, doesnt mean they want to befriend u. I try not to tink too highly of myself.

How does that make you think/feel of him?
If tts really e case, its just too bad for him. Cant expect girls to make e first move. I wun.

9. have you ever approached a guy? This one certainly no right, cause you gals expect us guys to do the 1st approach.
I will never.

10. Which one do you prefer? The person who comes in too strong or the person who pulls away? And how do you define coming in too strong and the person who pulls away?
Depends on whether u like e person, or have any gd feelings.

If u like e person, u wun mind if he comes on TOO strong, being too persistent.

Thank you very much for your Cooperation. And if you would like to ask Questions about how men operates I can suely tell you, so all of us can have a better understanding of each genders.

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